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of lilies, those enemas of ecstasy

Updated: Mar 26

‘Ainsi, toujours, vers l’azur noir
Ou tremble la mer des topazes,
Fonctionneront dans ton soir
Les Lys, ces clystères d’extases !’

‘On and on like so, in the azure black
Where a topaz ocean trembles,
In your sky there’ll be the functioning
Of lilies, those enemas of ecstasy!’

Ce qu’on dit au Poète à propos de fleurs, Arthur Rimbaud (What the Poet is Told on the Subject of Flowers)

Drifting out at sea I hear canons

firing & my heart, beating


Oceans of words threaten to

swallow me whole

caught in currents and streams of


I submerge

break the topaz scintillating

surface, to say what?

Striking hues

dance off the wall above my

little Melbourne desk

in my little Melbourne study

amber lilies traipse along a breeze

flitting through musty pages

I try Rimbaud in my mouth &

the French, such a Romantic tongue –

rolling, sex appeal;


cigarettes smoked;

100 too


& then there’s that assignment

you haven’t written yet, or

choosing instead

to brush your teeth in a

daze of procrastination for

what purpose I am unsure, but

to spare another minute tethered

to mundanity once more

stop painting! Stop! Staring off the wall

my, my, aren’t you the fairest of them all

flowered palette laughing.

Intended to arouse a tranquillity of mind,

now I’m lost in brushstrokes &

my chakras are not aligned

waves come crashing down upon

their misty shores

trembling in ecstasy


There goes another hour…


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